
UML distinguishes between aggregation and composition only. OntoUML distinguishes among

  • sharing

    • shared part (white ◊)

    • exclusive part (black ♦)

  • multiplicity of relationship

    • mandatory part with respect to the whole

    • mandatory whole w.r.t. the part

    • mandatory non-rigid type (e.g. role, phase, mixin)

OntoUML also distinguishes among various types of wholes and their parts


EX1: Part-Whole Relations

EX2: Example of shared part

Notice that maximum multiplicity of the whole is > 1.

EX3: Exclusive Part

Notice that maximum multiplicity of the whole is = 1.

EX4: Optional Part

Optional part w.r.t. the rigid whole. The whole doesn´t necessarily need any part.

EX5: Mandatory Part

Mandatory part w.r.t. the rigid whole. The whole does need a part, instances of the part may mute.

EX6: Essential Part

Essential part w.r.t. the rigid whole. The whole does need a part, instances mustn´t mute.

EX7: Optional Whole

Optional rigid whole w.r.t. the part. The part may exist alone, even without the whole.

EX8: Mandatory Whole

Mandatory rigid whole w.r.t. the part. The part must belong to some whole, instances of the whole may mute.

EX9: Inseparable Part

Inseparable part of the rigid whole. The part must belong to the same whole, instances of the whole mustn´t mute.

EX10: Immutable Part

Immutable part of the antirigid whole. Whenever the whole exists in the particular role or phase, its parts must be still the same instances – they cannot not mute. Compare to {essential}.

EX11: Immutable Whole

Immutable whole w.r.t. the antirigid part. Whenever the part exists in the particular role or phase, its wholes must be still the same instances – they cannot not mute. Instances of the whole may mute only as the part changes it´s role or phase.


GUIZZARDI, Giancarlo. Ontological Foundations for Structural Conceptual Models. Enschede: CTIT, Telematica Instituut, 2005. GUIZZARDI, Giancarlo. Introduction to Ontological Engineering. [presentation] Prague: Prague University of Economics, 2011.