

A «Mode» is a particular type of intrinsic property that has no structured value. Like qualities, modes are also individuals that existentially depend on their bearers. Types stereotyped as «Mode» are also rigid. You can find some examples of modes below:

Mode examples


C1: Every «Mode» must be (directly or indirectly) connected to an association end of at least one «Characterization» relation.

Mode application 1

C2: The multiplicity of the characterized end (opposite to the «Mode») must be exactly one. Therefore, the following examples are forbidden.

Mode forbidden 3

C3: Modes cannot have as ancestors the following types: «Kind», «Quantity», «Collective», «Subkind», «Role», «RoleMixin», «Phase», «Relator», «Quality».

Mode forbidden 2

C4: Modes cannot have as descendants the following types: «Kind», «Quantity», «Collective», «RoleMixin», «Category», «Mixin», «Relator», «Quality».

Mode forbidden 1

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EX1: Fragment from the Configuration Management Task Ontology (see more):

Example CMT

EX2: Fragment from the OntoUML Org Ontology (O3) (see more):

Example O3