RepRel anti-pattern

Full name

Repeatable Relator Instances






A «Relator» connected to two or more «Mediation» associations, whose upper bound cardinalities at the relator end are greater than one.


Inspired in ORM’s uniqueness constraint (HALPIN; MORGAN, 2008), this anti-pattern aids the modeler in specifying the number of different relators instances that can mediated the exact same set of individuals.

  1. Let M be the set of the mediations that characterize RepRel, relatorEnd(m) the function that return the association end whose type is the relator of a mediation m, and upper(p) the function that return the upper bound cardinality of a property p, then:

    \[\forall m \in M, upper(relatorEnd(m)) > 1\]
  2. Let M be the set of the mediations that characterize RepRel, relator(m) the function that returns the relator connected to a mediation m, then:

    \[\forall m \in M, relator(m) = Relator \ \lor \ isAncestor(relator(m), Relator)\]
    \[\exists m \in M, relator(m) = Relator\]


Refactoring Plans
  1. [Mod] Fix upper cardinality: this plan is individually to the mediations. It consists in changing the maximum cardinality on the relator to a usually lower value.

  2. [OCL] Define uniqueness constraint (Current Relator): this plan is applied to a combination of the mediations. Although it can be applied more than once, for different combinations, it cannot be applied simultaneously with the historical relator plan. This should be taken if there is a limit of the number of coexistent relator instances that mediated the same combination of the mediated types. The following OCL invariant should be created (where <n> is the limit of “cloned” relators):

    context Relator
    inv: Relator.allInstances()->select( r | r <> self and
    r.type1 = self.type1 and r.type2=self.type2)->size() = <n-1>
  3. [OCL] Define uniqueness constraint (Historical Relator): this plan applies to a combination of the mediations and, although it can be applied more than once for different combinations, it cannot be applied simultaneously with the current relator plan.

    context Relator
    inv: Relator.allInstances()->select( r | r<>self and r.type1=self.type1
    and r.type2=self.type2 and concurrent(self,r))-> size()=<n-1>

    context Relator::concurrent(r:Relator):Boolean
    body: self.start = r.start or (self.start<r.start and r.start<self.end)
    or (r.start<self.start and self.start<r.end)


Prince Sales, Tiago. (2014). Ontology Validation for Managers.